Number 2-0385

Obviously, I already knew Space Oddity and the strange beauty of Bowie but one night, in late December 1971, I got on the bus home from Bedford where I met up with my friend Heather. Heather was cool – she worked in the record department W.H.Smiths and she was clutching a bag with a vinyl album in it.
‘Oh’, she said, ‘this is the GREATEST thing I have ever heard – been playing it in the shop all day. You must come round.’ So I got off the bus at her stop and went to her house where I ended up staying the night after listening to Hunky Dory for what seemed hours and hours and not getting bored.

This weekend I have been listening to Black Star and it made me think about ageing and fading and I thought ‘this is vintage Bowie’ and so it is.

I am so sad that we have lost him and his unique take on our world. No doubt, he is hand in hand with Major Tom now, floating together in the tin can.

I saw this graffiti in MK a few months ago and had to take it as it is also from the Flight the Conchords which I love too.

Sayonara David.